Community Thank You 2024

💚 During the holidays and beyond, there are SO many generous people helping TCFB to do the work we do. Whether it’s donating your time, money, food & non-food items, expertise, or hosting a drive or donation collection center — our community always steps up. Why is it so important? We couldn’t do the work without you!

The ink isn’t dry yet on our 2024 numbers, but in 2023:
• We served 78,000 individuals
40% of those served through our Pantries and Satellites were children under 18 years old
20% of those served through our Pantries and Satellites were seniors 60 or older
• We distributed >9 million pounds & rescued >2 million pounds of food
2,331 volunteers donated 50,208 hours of labor
• Our FORKids Program served 1,750 school children per week
• Our Summer Lunch Program served 3,702 meals
• We operated/supported: 2 Food Pantries • 18 Satellites • 15 Mobiles
• We collaborated with emergency food distribution partners in Thurston, Mason, Kitsap & Lewis Counties

Folks often will ask us — money or food? Both monetary and food donations are vital to food banks. Monetary donations allow us to purchase food at great bulk prices, while food donations provide critical variety and choice for clients. Do what works best for you — we appreciate whatever you are able to share!

If we inadvertently neglect to thank you for your efforts, please know that we are incredibly grateful to each and every one of you in our generous community!